Dry and Sensitive skin

Dry skin is extremely commune in all ages, specially over the winter periods, but some people might suffer from dry skin all year around.


Dry skin (xerosis) often has an environmental cause. Certain diseases also can significantly affect your skin. Potential causes of dry skin include:

Weather. Skin tends to be driest in winter, when temperatures and humidity levels plummet. But the season may not matter as much if you live in desert regions.

Heat. Central heating, wood-burning stoves, space heaters and fireplaces all reduce humidity and dry your skin.

Hot baths and showers. Taking long, hot showers or baths can dry your skin. So can frequent swimming, particularly in heavily chlorinated pools.

Harsh soaps and detergents. Many popular soaps, detergents and shampoos strip moisture from your skin as they are formulated to remove oil.

Other skin conditions. People with skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis (eczema) or psoriasis are prone to dry skin.

Medical treatments. Some people develop dry, thick skin after undergoing treatment for cancer, receiving dialysis or taking certain medications.

Aging. As people age, the skin thins and produces less of the oils needed for the skin to retain water.

Must Have Skincare Products 


 Best Skin Routine For Dry Skin

1. Hydrated Cleanser

Cleanse with a hydrating cleanser that doesn't disrupt the outer skin layer.

2. Hydrated Toner

Tone with an alcohol-free toner to restore skin pH and provide an added boost of hydration and rebalance your skin.

3. Chemical Exfoliant

While a chemical exfoliant may sound harsh, it's actually a preferred method of removing dead skin cells from dry skin versus scrubs, which can be abrasive. Exfoliating at least once a week is beneficial if you have dry skin as it'll leave your complexion looking fresh while eliminating the risk of other issues, like breakouts.

4. Hydrating Serum

A face serum is a formula that contains a high volume of active ingredients. While we recommend you begin using serums regularly in your 30s it's perfectly fine to start in your 20s if you feel your skin needs it. Hydrating serums are an excellent way to replenish your skin.

5. Eye Cream

If the delicate skin around or under your eye area is particularly dry, look for a specialized eye cream to help plump it up. 

6. Facial Oil

Boost your moisturization with a facial oil, especially during the cold, dry winter months. A well-formulated oil will leave your skin feeling soft and smooth without leaving residue behind.

7. Moisturizing Face Cream or Lotion

Dry skin benefits from richer moisturizing face creams or lotions, Moisturizers with ceramides are especially ideal. Ceramides are your skin's natural moisturizing system that contribute to a strong lipid barrier.

8. Sunscreen

Cap your daytime routine with a sunscreen that not only provides ample protection from UVA and UVB rays but also features nourishing ingredients like hyaluronic acid or ceramides. Sunscreen is arguably the best anti-aging product you can use. A well-formulated one will leave your skin moisturized and soft while offering sufficient sun protection (anything over broad spectrum SPF 30).

9. Overnight Mask

Take advantage of your body's natural cell regeneration time as you sleep with an overnight face mask. Apply an overnight mask as the last part of your evening skin care regimen, then wash it off first thing in the morning for a more vibrant complexion to start your day. 


Here a few DOs and DON'Ts to keep your skin hydrated and happy

The DOs:

Do wash gently - No matter how dry or sensitive, your face should be washed once a day. Choose a thorough but gentle cleanser to remove dirt and makeup while soothing skin. 

Do choose the right makeup - Skip the foundation and find a great tinted moisturizer that enhances your skin tone. Avoid powder products that can cake into fine lines and draw attention to flaky skin. Instead look for cream formula blushes to add a dewy look to cheeks and cream eye shadows for a smooth application and finish.

Do drink your H2O - You can get your beauty from the inside out by drinking your eight glasses of water daily. The skin is the largest organ of the body and keeping yourself properly hydrated will contribute to healthier skin.

Do moisturize twice a day - Keeping skin hydrated takes continuous moisture. Apply a lush cream at least twice a day (morning and night) to keep skin soft and supple. 


The DON'Ts:

Don't wash twice a day - Women with dry and sensitive skin do not need to wash with soap and water twice a day. In fact, washing too often could dry out or irritate your skin. Instead wash gently at night. In the morning, splash with water. If you feel the need for something stronger, use a toner or a face towelette on the t-zone.

Don't use hot water - When you wash or rinse your face, be sure to use lukewarm or even cool water. Hot water can easily irritate skin.

Don't use products with fragrances - Look for products that are scent-free since those with fragrance can irritate the skin.

Foods to help protect and moisturize dry 

1. Sweet potato 

These tasty tubers are not only delicious but they’re super healthyand are a great for dry skin remedy. “This root vegetable—don’t forget to eat the skin—packs a double dose of skin-protecting nutrients, including vitamin A and beta carotene”.

How it works: Vitamin A aids in skin repair, while beta carotene strengthens the skin’s protective barrier, helping to moisturize and plump up skin cells.

2. Avocado 

Scoop up some guacamole. Turns out, avocados are great for people with dry skin, which may be why avocado is a key ingredient in natural face masks. These fruits and great for your hair and nails, too.

Why it works: Avocados contain an abundance of vitamin E and monounsaturated fats specifically omega-6 fats that keep the skin moist and prevent the skin from aging.

3. Cucumber

If you’ve ever layered cucumbers around your eyes to reduce puffiness, you can probably guess that there’s a reason why these antioxidant and vitamin C-containing veggies should top each and every salad or get sliced and dropped into a refreshing ice-cold glass of water.

Why it works: The vitamin C in cucumbers, which are a nice addition to any garden, helps treat inflamed skin. The silica in the peel of the cucumber nourishes, hydrates and firms the skin.

4. Tangerines

Like many citrus fruits, tangerines are packed with vitamin A and C as well as beta carotene, which helps maintain your skin’s moisture and they may even help protect against type 2 diabetes.

Why it works: The vitamins in tangerines, especially the vitamin C, helps improve the collagen in your skin to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles, firm the skin and speed up your skin’s rebuilding process. “Vitamin C helps reduce the damage caused by the sun and pollution, too!

5. Coconut oil 

This popular ingredient isn’t just great for cooking but it’s an excellent moisturizer, too, and has multiple uses for hair and nails. “You can consume it directly or use it as a cooking substitute for butter or vegetable oil.

Why it works: Packed with antioxidants, coconut oil has been found to help improve the skin in those with atopic dermatitis, according to a study published in Dermatitis. “Unlike most foods, it can also be used as a topical application directly on the skin to help moisturize,”

6. Water (H2O)

Staying hydrated is extremely important for fighting dry skin, When you’re dehydrated on the inside, your skin starts to look dry, dull and crepey, so any fine lines become more visible.

Why it works: Your skin is one of your largest cleansing organs and needs ongoing hydration. You don’t need an expensive juice to cleanse your body of toxins, but you do need to make sure you stay hydrated so that your skin can do its work as a bacterial barrier and remove toxins from the skin,

When To Contact A Doctor

A person should contact a doctor if dry skin is interfering with their daily life and home remedies, such as moisturizing and eating a healthy, balanced diet, have not shown any improvement in dry skin.

A doctor will be able to take a history, see if there are any underlying causes, and help the person take the appropriate steps to improve dry skin.

7. Salmon

Fatty fish like salmon, trout, and tuna are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Your goal: Aim to eat at least four ounces of fish twice a week.

Why it works: The fatty acids in fish are said to reduce inflammation caused by UV radiation and may help reduce the risk of inflammatory skin problems like psoriasis, dermatitis, and skin dryness.

8. Nuts and Seeds

Filled with fiber and packed with vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids, nuts and seeds make an ideal snack for your skin. “Walnuts and flaxseed are especially rich in omega-3 fatty acids,” Clifford says.

Why it works: Count on the vitamin E in nuts and seeds, such as almonds, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds, to help protect the skin from sun damage and inflammation, acting as a natural dry skin remedy.

9. Asparagus

Whether you love these green spears sautéed in EVOO or prefer to grill them and pair with lean protein like chicken, there are loads of recipes to cook up using this vegetable and you’ll be helping your skin at the same time.

Why it works: The vitamin E in asparagus helps protect and guard your skin against damage from the sun. “Asparagus also helps improve skin texture and may prevent wrinkles.”



Supplements For Dry Skin

Dry skin can be a symptom of certain nutrient deficiencies, including:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Zinc
  • Selenium

Making sure that these vitamins and minerals are part of the diet can help keep the skin healthy. Consuming omega-3, green tea antioxidants, and turmeric can also help prevent dry skin.

The sections below will look at all of these dietary elements in more detail.

When to contact a doctor or dermatologist 

Cracked Skin

When dry skin cracks, germs can enter the body through the weakened epidermis and cause infections. You do not need to see a doctor immediately if this happens, but you will need to keep the crack clean and well maintained. Stop by your local pharmacy to pick up an antibacterial ointment, and wear bandages until the skin heals. Importantly, keep an eye out for sore red spots on the skin. This is an early sign of an infection and will warrant a visit to the doctor.

It Hurts 

If the dryness is especially severe or uncomfortable, comes on suddenly, or does not go away, you may have a separate medical condition, like eczema.

Chronic Dryness

Chronic, extreme dry skin can indicate eczema. While the exact cause of eczema is still unknown, it is triggered year-round by several factors. This includes household cleaners, cosmetic products, and fabrics. If you have chronically dry skin, but it feels especially uncomfortable in the winter, a dermatologist visit could help mitigate symptoms.

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